Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting in IRRAS AB (publ) on 13 October 2023

The Extraordinary General Meeting in IRRAS AB (publ) (the “Company”) has been held on 13 October 2023 and in particular the following resolution was made.

Resolution on issue of new shares

The General Meeting resolved to increase the Company’s share capital by a maximum of SEK 10,147,945.20 through a new issue of a maximum of 338,264,840 ordinary shares in accordance with the proposal from shareholder IR Holding Bidco Inc. (“IR Holding”).

The new shares may, with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right, only be subscribed for by IR Holding, with the obligation for the subscriber to make payment for subscribed shares by way of set-off against loans amounting to SEK 60,000,000 plus accrued interest as of 12 September 2023 of SEK 887,671. The subscription price is SEK 0.18 per ordinary share.

Subscription must take place no later than 14 October 2023. The set-off will be considered executed immediately in connection with subscription of the new shares.

For more information, please contact:

Will Martin

President and Chief Executive Officer



IRRAS is a global medical care company focused on delivering innovative medical solutions to improve the lives of critically ill patients. IRRAS designs, develops, and commercializes neurocritical care products that transform patient outcomes and decrease the overall cost of care by addressing complications associated with current treatment methodologies. IRRAS markets and sells its comprehensive, innovative IRRAflow and Hummingbird ICP Monitoring product lines to hospitals worldwide through its direct sales organization in the United States as well as an international network of distribution partners.

IRRAS maintains its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, with corporate offices in San Diego, California, USA. For more information, please visit www.irras.com.

IRRAS is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ticker: IRRAS).

 Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting in IRRAS AB publ on 13 October 2023

Statement by the Board of Directors of IRRAS AB

Statement by the Board of Directors of IRRAS AB regarding the proposal by IR Holding for a set-off share issue to be presented at an Extraordinary General Meeting of IRRAS AB to be held on 13 October 2023

The Board of Directors of IRRAS AB (the “Company”) has today announced a notice to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Friday 13 October 2023. The notice includes a proposal by IR Holding Bidco Inc. (“IR Holding”) for a set-off share issue of maximum 338,264,840 ordinary shares. The new shares may, with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right, only be subscribed for by IR Holding, with the obligation for the subscriber to make payment for subscribed shares by way of set-off against loans amounting to SEK 60,000,000 plus accrued interest as of 12 September 2023 of SEK 887,671. The proposed subscription price is SEK 0.18 per ordinary share.  

Board members Marios Fotiadis and Kleanthis G. Xanthopoulos are parties to the bid consortium which, through IR Holding, has made a public takeover offer for the shares in the Company. As a consequence of these board members’ interest in IR Holding, they are conflicted to handle matters regarding a new share issue directed to IR Holding. The two board members who are not conflicted, Anita Tollstadius and Catherine Gilmore-Lawless, do not constitute a sufficient number of board members to resolve on matters on behalf of the Company. In the following, the “Board” refers to the non-decision-making Directors who are not conflicted.

The Company, through its legal and financial advisors, has sought contact with the Company’s larger shareholders who are not part of the bid consortium to investigate the possibility of carrying out a new share issue to provide additional working capital and repay the Company’s loan debt amounting to SEK 60,887,671 including accrued interest as of 12 September 2023. This outreach indicated that only a small percentage of shareholders have shown a willingness to subscribe for shares in a potential new share issue, which would result in a financing that would be sized below the Company’s short-term capital needs. Over the past year, the Company has also explored the possibility of alternative financing from external investors and business partners to the Company. The continued efforts in this direction have also been unsuccessful.

The Board, in consultation with its financial advisor, has concluded that the set-off share issue is the only realistic alternative to avoid an insolvency situation that endangers the Company’s survival and economic value for remaining shareholders. The Board is of the opinion that the reasons for the deviation from the shareholders’ preferential rights as stated by IR Holding in the notice to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting are in line with the Board’s view. The Board has also evaluated the possibility of carrying out a rights issue to finance a repay of the outstanding loan amount. The Board has made the assessment that under the current market conditions and the Company’s financial position, it would be challenging to enter into subscription and/or guarantee undertakings from other investors than IR Holding. A successful rights issue would require a substantial discount to current market price, which will mean that shareholders not participating in the rights issue will be substantially diluted and be negatively effected as a result of a lower share price in the market. Further, the Board would like to emphasize that a consequence of the set-off share issue being proposed is that IR Holding’s ownership after the share issue will amount to at least 91.0 percent, which means that the possibility will exist that IR Holding may call for the compulsory redemption (Sw. tvångsinlösen) of the remaining shares in the Company. Shareholders in the Company have, within the framework of the compulsory redemption procedure, the opportunity to participate in person or to be represented by a representative (Sw. god man) appointed by the Swedish Companies Registration Office, who represents the minority shareholders in the procedure, including with regard to determining the redemption price and interest.  


Stockholm, 18 September 2023

The Board of Directors[1]




This disclosure contains information that IRRAS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 18-09-2023 20:30 CET.


For more information, please contact:


Anita Tollstadius, board member of IRRAS AB

Email: anita@tollstadius.com




IRRAS is a global medical care company focused on delivering innovative medical solutions to improve the lives of critically ill patients. IRRAS designs, develops, and commercializes neurocritical care products that transform patient outcomes and decrease the overall cost of care by addressing complications associated with current treatment methodologies. IRRAS markets and sells its comprehensive, innovative IRRAflow and Hummingbird ICP Monitoring product lines to hospitals worldwide through its direct sales organization in the United States as well as an international network of distribution partners.

IRRAS maintains its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, with corporate offices in San Diego, California, USA. For more information, please visit www.irras.com.

IRRAS is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ticker: IRRAS).


[1] The Board of Directors represented by non-conflicted board members Anita Tollstadius and Catherine Gilmore-Lawless.

Notice to an extraordinary general meeting of IRRAS AB

Notice to an extraordinary general meeting of IRRAS AB with a proposal for a set-off issue of shares for the settlement of short-term loan financing

The shareholders of IRRAS AB (publ), org.nr 556872-7134 (”the Company”), are hereby invited to the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Friday 13 October 2023 at 4.00 p.m at the premises of Setterwalls Advokatbyrå at Sturegatan 10 in Stockholm.

Notice of Attendance

A shareholder who would like to participate in the General Meeting shall:

(i)                 be entered in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB by the record date Thursday 5 October 2023; and

(ii)               notify the Company of their intention to attend the General Meeting no later than than Monday 9 October 2023.

Notification of participation shall be sent by mail to IRRAS AB, Attn: Tore Linghede, P.O Box 160, 101 23 Stockholm or by e-mail to EGM@irras.com. The notification shall state name, personal registration number/company registration number, address and telephone number, number of shares held and proxies if applicable.

In order to be entitled to participate in the General Meeting, a shareholder who has registered their shares in the name of a nominee, in addition to announcing their intention to participate, must temporarily request that their shares be registered in their own name so the shareholder is entered into the register of shareholders by 5 October 2023. This registration may be temporary (so-called voting right registration) and is requested with the nominee in accordance with the nominee’s procedures and in advace as determined by the nominee. Voting right registrations made no later than the 9 October 2023, will be considered when preparing the shareholder register.


Shareholders represented by proxy shall issue a written and dated power of attorney. The power of attorney may not be older than one year unless indicated that it is valid for a longer period, not exceeding five years. If the proxy is issued by a legal person, a certified copy of the registration certificate or similar papers of authorisation are also required. Power of attorney, registration certificates and other authorisation documents must be available for the Meeting and, in order to facilitate entry to the Meeting, sent to the Company at the above address, no later than 9 October 2023. Proxy forms for shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting by proxy will be made available on the Company's website www.irras.com.

Proposed agenda

  1. Election of Chairman of the Meeting
  2. Election of one person or two persons to certify the minutes
  3. Preparation and approval of the voting list
  4. Approval of the agenda
  5. Establishment of whether the Meeting has been duly convened
  6. Resolution on issue of new shares
  7. Closing of the Meeting


Resolution on issue of new shares (item 6)

The shareholder IR Holding Bidco Inc. (“IR Holding”), holding approximately 87.2 percent of the total number of shares and votes in the Company, proposes that the General Meeting resolves to increase the Company's share capital by a maximum of SEK 10,147,945.20 through a new issue of a maximum of 338,264,840 ordinary shares, each with a quota value of SEK 0.03.

The new shares may, with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right, only be subscribed for by IR Holding, with the obligation for the subscriber to make payment for subscribed shares by way of set-off against loans amounting to SEK 60,000,000 plus accrued interest as of 12 September 2023 of SEK 887,671. The subscription price is SEK 0.18 per ordinary share. The subscriber may not subscribe for fewer shares than such share subscriber is entitled to subscribe for according to above.

Subscription must take place no later than 14 October 2023. The set-off will be considered executed immediately in connection with subscription of the new shares. The Board of Directors shall have the right to extend the subscription period and the time of payment. The new shares give the right to a dividend from and including the first record day regarding dividends that occur after the registration of the new shares with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The amount that exceeds the quota value must be added to the free premium fund.

The purpose of the new issue and the reason for the deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right is to enable the Company to settle outstanding loan amounts of a total of SEK 60,887,671 according to the short-term financing originally provided by Bacara Holdings Ltd. and which, in connection with the completion of the ongoing public takeover offer of the shares in the Company, has been transferred to IR Holding. On 24 August 2023, through the independent bid committee, the Company reported on the Company’s challenges in finding alternative financing to be able to repay the short-term loan, which initially was due for payment on 15 September 2023 but has been extended to 15 October 2023. Through the proposed set-off share issue, a loan amount of SEK 60,000,000 plus accrued interest will be settled and the Company thereby avoids becoming insolvent, which would otherwise have been imminent. The subscription price amounts to the bid price in the public takeover offer.

The company's managing director is authorized to make minor formal adjustments to the issue resolution that may prove necessary in connection with registration of the new shares with the Swedish Companies Registration Office or Euroclear Sweden AB.

For a valid decision of the General Meeting according to the above proposal, it is required that the resolution be supported by shareholders who represent at least two thirds of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the General Meeting.

The shareholders’ right to submit questions

The shareholders are reminded of their right, in accordance with Chapter 7 Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act, to request information from the Board and the CEO at the Meeting.

Other information

As per 18 September 2023, the total number of shares and votes in the Company amounts to 794,813,400. The Company holds no shares in the Company. For information about how your personal data will be processed, see

The Board of Directors of the Company will issue a separate press release to be announced in connection with the announcement of this notice to convene the Extraordinary General Meeting. The press release will also be available at the Company’s website, www.irras.com.


The complete proposal according to item 6 above, together with documents according to the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) will be available at the Company’s office at the address set out above and will be sent free of charge to shareholders who so request and provide their postal address or e-mail address. The documents will also be available at the Company’s website, www.irras.com.  


Stockholm in September 2023

The Board of Directors

This disclosure contains information that IRRAS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU

Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication,

through the agency of the contact person, on 18-09-2023 20:30 CET.


For more information, please contact:

Will Martin

President and Chief Executive Officer




IRRAS is a global medical care company focused on delivering innovative medical solutions to improve the lives of critically ill patients. IRRAS designs, develops, and commercializes neurocritical care products that transform patient outcomes and decrease the overall cost of care by addressing complications associated with current treatment methodologies. IRRAS markets and sells its comprehensive, innovative IRRAflow and Hummingbird ICP Monitoring product lines to hospitals worldwide through its direct sales organization in the United States as well as an international network of distribution partners.

IRRAS maintains its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, with corporate offices in San Diego, California, USA. For more information, please visit www.irras.com.

IRRAS is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (ticker: IRRAS).


IRRAS Secures Extended Short-Term Loan Agreement

Stockholm, Sweden (September 15, 2023) – IRRAS AB (publ) (“IRRAS” or the “Company”) today announced an extension of its short-term financing agreement with Bacara Holdings, its second largest shareholder, which is led by Marios Fotiadis, the company’s Chairman of the Board of Directors. The total loan facility has been increased from SEK 60 million to SEK 80 million with the added amount paid immediately in a tranche of SEK 20 million and will continue to carry an interest rate in the amount of 6.00% on an annual basis.

Under this extension, the total loan facility will now fall due on 15 October 2023.  Repayment of the loan will continue to be secured by a pledge over the company’s patents and the shares of the company’s United States subsidiary, IRRAS USA Inc. In addition, IRRAS USA Inc. have guaranteed all obligations of IRRAS AB under the loan agreement, and IRRAS AB have entered into a license agreement with IRRAS USA Inc. (which such agreement being collaterally assigned to the lender) under which IRRAS AB grants IRRAS USA Inc. an exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, irrevocable, perpetual license to all of IRRAS’s intellectual property everywhere in the world other than Sweden, Denmark Norway and Finland.

This disclosure contains information that IRRAS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 15-09-2023 08:00 CET.

 IRRAS Secures Extended Short-Term Loan Agreement

Supplemental statement from the Independent Bid Committee of IRRAS regarding the public offer from IR Holding Bidco

Stockholm, Sweden (24 August 2023) – This statement is made by the Independent Bid Committee (the “Committee”) of IRRAS AB (publ) (the “Company” or ”IRRAS”). The Committee consists of the Board Members Anita Tollstadius (chairperson) and Catherine Gilmore-Lawless.


The Offer

On 30 June 2023, Legacy Capital, Spetses, Bacara Holdings, Lexington Holding Assets, Kleanthis G. Xanthopoulos, Panormos, Philippe Audi, and Nicolas Murat (the ”Bid Consortium”), through IR Holding Bidco Inc. (”IR Holding”), announced a public offer to acquire all shares in IRRAS for SEK 0.18 in cash per share (the ”Offer”).


On 21 August 2023, IR Holding announced that the Offer had been accepted by shareholders holding 20.9 percent of the total number of shares and votes in IRRAS. Members of the Bid Consortium already owned 59.5 percent of the total number of shares and votes in IRRAS prior to the announcement of the Offer. In total, the number of shares tendered in the Offer and the shares already owned by the members of the Bid Consortium equal 80.4 percent of the total number of shares and votes in IRRAS. As set out in IR Holding’s press release announcing the Offer and the offer document regarding the Offer, completion of the Offer is conditional upon, inter alia, the Offer being accepted to such extent that IR Holding becomes the owner of more than 90 percent of the shares in IRRAS.


On 21 August 2023, IR Holding also announced an extension of the acceptance period until 1 September 2023 to allow shareholders that have not yet responded to the Offer an opportunity to do so. Further, IR Holding announced that it will not increase the price per share in the Offer.


The Independent Bid Committee’s Consideration of the Latest Announcement by IR Holding

The Committee reiterates that IRRAS is in immediate need of funding. The Company’s current cash on hand results from a short-term loan facility from Bacara Holdings, the Company’s second largest shareholder, which is also part of the Bid Consortium. There is an imminent risk that the Company will default on the short-term loan agreement, which is due on 15 September 2023, and become insolvent, and this risk has increased due to the announced extension of the Offer acceptance period. At the current time, no known alternative financing options are available that would provide IRRAS needed capital to repay the loan facility.


Under the short-term loan facility, the Company has pledged its patents and shares in its United States subsidiary, IRRAS USA Inc., to Bacara Holdings as collateral. The terms of the loan also outline that IRRAS USA Inc. will guarantee all remaining obligations of IRRAS AB in exchange for IRRAS AB entering into a license agreement with IRRAS USA Inc. (which would be collaterally assigned to the lender) that will grant IRRAS USA Inc. an exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, irrevocable, perpetual license to all of IRRAS’ intellectual property everywhere in the world other than Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland.


In order to prepare for the possibility that the Offer will not be approved by 90 percent of IRRAS’ shareholders by the expiration of the extended acceptance period on 1 September 2023, the Company has continued to seek other potential investors that would be willing to lead an equity financing or secure a rights issue to provide IRRAS sufficient funds to repay its current loan obligation and continue its operations for a sufficient period of time that would allow other long-term financing options to be fully explored.


As a thorough process to identify financing alternatives has been underway since the beginning of this year with no concrete alternatives identified other than the current Offer, the Committee would like to stress that the chances of securing such alternative financing are low for the Company.


Based on these factors, the Committee reiterates its recommendation to the shareholders of IRRAS to accept the Offer.



This statement by the Independent Bid Committee is governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with Swedish law. Disputes arising from this statement shall be settled exclusively by a Swedish court. 


Stockholm, 24 August 2023


The Independent Bid Committee for IRRAS AB (publ)


For additional information, please contact:

Anita Tollstadius

Chairperson of the Independent Bid Committee for IRRAS AB


 Supplemental statement from the Independent Bid Committee of IRRAS regarding the public offer from IR Holding Bidco

IRRAS Publishes Update on Financial Situation

An extensive evaluation of different financing alternatives was initiated at the beginning of 2023, and, to date, this process has not identified any tangible financing options other than the public cash offer. During the ongoing public cash offer process, the Company has continued to explore alternative financing options, which would provide IRRAS needed capital to repay the short-term loan facility, but to date, no alternative financing options have been identified, and there is an imminent risk of the Company defaulting on the short-term loan agreement and becoming insolvent.


Additionally, under the short-term loan facility, the Company has pledged its patents and shares in its United States subsidiary, IRRAS USA Inc., to Bacara Holdings as collateral. The terms of the loan also outline that IRRAS USA Inc. will guarantee all remaining obligations of IRRAS AB in exchange for IRRAS AB entering into a license agreement with IRRAS USA Inc. (which would be collaterally assigned to the lender) that will grant IRRAS USA Inc. an exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, irrevocable, perpetual license to all of IRRAS’ intellectual property everywhere in the world other than Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland.

 IRRAS Publishes Update on Financial Situation

IRRAS publishes Interim Report for the period April to June 2023

Second quarter, April – June 2023

Net revenue amounted to 10.3 MSEK (9.7).

Operating loss (EBIT) amounted to -40.5 MSEK (-35.8).

Loss after tax amounted to -40.8 MSEK (-36.9).

Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to  SEK -0.06 (-0.46).

CEO Statement

The company’s overall revenue of MSEK 10.3 during the 2nd quarter decreased from the previous quarter, but it did represent growth of 6% from the same period during 2022.  More importantly, though, during the quarter, we have initiated steps to improve our financial position and decrease our quarterly cash burn.

During the quarter, IRRAS announced a shift in our commercial strategy that will primarily focus our resources on the United States market opportunity.  The launch of our products in the US is more mature than other global markets and will continue to contribute most of our revenue, especially with the expected expansion of our commercial partnership with Medtronic.  As part of this shift, we will close our European subsidiaries and increasingly support customers around the globe with our existing network of distribution partners.  IRRAS investors are well aware of the challenges that the evolving regulatory landscape in Europe and the COVID-19 pandemic have posed, and we are now making decisions to improve control of the company’s costs and maximize our activity in the markets that are most important to our long-term success.

The other key area of focus during the 2nd quarter was resolving our current financial situation.  The financial environment remains difficult for early-stage companies, and we’ve seen these challenges throughout our fundraising process.  Our company’s current cash runway has become extremely limited, and we must imminently finalize our long-term financing plan to fully secure ongoing operations.  The recent public offer to IRRAS shareholders confirms that optimism regarding the company’s long-term prospects still exists. We look forward to the resolution of the bid period to determine the appropriate path forward for IRRAS, our customers, and the patients that our products treat every day. 

Will Martin, CEO

Important events during the quarter

  • A public offer of SEK 0.18 in cash per share to the shareholders was made on 30 June by Legacy Capital, Spetses Investments, Bacara Holdings, Lexington Holding Assets, Kleanthis G. Xanthopoulos, Panormos Holding, Philippe Audi, and Nicolas Murat, through IR Holding Bidco Inc.
  • The AGM resolved on a reverse share split 1:100, amendment of the articles of association whereby the share capital shall amount to not less than SEK 20,000,000 and not more than SEK 80,000,000 and the number of shares shall be not less than 7,000,000 and not more than 28,000,000, and approved a multiyear incentive program (Program 9).
  • The company announced a shift in commercial strategy to prioritize the launch of IRRAflow system in the US.  As part of this shift, IRRAS will prioritize its operations within the US and begin the process of closing its wholly owned commercial subsidiaries in Europe. The background to the shift is the extended impact of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and the evolving regulatory landscape in Europe, which have contributed to a slower commercial development in Europe.
  • In order to assess the received takeover offer, an Independent Bid Committee was appointed which, in turn, has appointed Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) as financial advisor, and Setterwalls Advokatbyrå AB as legal advisor in connection with the Offer. The Committee has also engaged Grant Thornton Sweden AB to provide a so-called fairness opinion regarding the Offer.

Important events after the end of the quarter

  • Secured additional bridge financing of MSEK 20, which will provide working capital through the completion of ongoing financing process.
  • The company stands by its previously communicated financial targets, but has decided to reassess the time horizon. The shift in the timeline is a consequence of the announced strategic shift to change its European commercial strategy. The company currently chooses to refrain from publishing a specific timeline.
  • Based on Grant Thornton’s fairness opinion, its own assessment of IRRAS’ current strategic and financial position, available opportunities to obtain necessary financing for continued operations, and several other factors, the Independent Bid Committee recommends that the shareholders of IRRAS accept the public offer made by IR Holding Bidco Inc. on 30 June 2023. Grant Thornton has, based on an assessment of IRRAS market value, including an income approach, analysis of the historic share price, publicly available information, and information from the company’s management, deemed the offer as fair to IRRAS shareholders. The offer of SEK 0.18 per share corresponds to a premium of 30 percent compared to the volume weighted average share price of the IRRAS share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the 30 latest trading days up to and including 29 June 2023 of SEK 0.1387. The acceptance period in the Offer expires on 11 August 2023. IR Holding has reserved the right to extend the acceptance period.


The full report is available on the company’s website:  https://investors.irras.com/en/reports-presentations


Q2 Report 2023 – conference call and audiocast

IRRAS will host a conference call and an online presentation of its Q2 2023 interim report on August 4 at 9.00 CET. The presentation will be held in English.


Dial-in number to the teleconference will be received by registering on the link below. After the registration you will be provided phone numbers and a conference ID to access the conference:




The presentation will be webcast and can be accessed from the following web address:



This disclosure contains information that IRRAS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 04-08-2023 08:00 CET.

 IRRAS Interim Report Q2 2023

IRRAS announces reassessment of financial outlook

As a result of its recently announced change in commercial strategy to close its wholly owned European subsidiaries and prioritize its activities in the United States market, the company has decided that additional time is required to assess the full impact of these changes and the associated impact on the time horizon of its financial outlook. The previously communicated financial targets remain but, for these reasons, the company currently chooses to refrain from publishing a specific timeline.


Financial outlook

          Revenue is expected to, long term, exceed SEK 350 million per year. 

          Gross margin is expected to, long term, exceed 60%.


This disclosure contains information that IRRAS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 04-08-2023 07:55 CET.

 IRRAS announces reassessment of financial outlook

IRRAS Secures Extended Short-Term Loan Agreement

The loan will fall due on 15 September 2023.  Repayment of the loan will be secured by a pledge over the company’s patents and the shares of the company’s United States subsidiary, IRRAS Inc.  In addition, IRRAS Inc. shall guarantee all obligations of IRRAS AB under the loan agreement, and IRRAS AB shall enter into a license agreement with IRRAS Inc. (which such agreement shall be collaterally assigned to the lender) under which IRRAS AB grants IRRAS Inc. an exclusive, royalty-free, fully-paid, irrevocable, perpetual license to all of IRRAS’s intellectual property everywhere in the world other than Sweden, Denmark Norway and Finland.







This disclosure contains information that IRRAS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 04-08-2023 07:45 CET.

 IRRAS Secures Extended Short-Term Loan Agreement

Q2 Report 2023 – invitation to conference call and audiocast

Dial-in number to the teleconference will be received by registering on the link below. After the registration you will be provided phone numbers and a conference ID to access the conference:




The presentation will be webcast and can be accessed from the following web address:




Speakers: President and CEO Will Martin, and Interim CFO Griffen Stapp









 Invitation to conference call and audiocast Q2 2023

Irras Radio Irras Academy

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