The IRRAS Radio podcast provides an informative exploration of cutting-edge technology in the neurocritical care space. Host, John Unser, interviews thought leaders from around the world to discuss the latest trends in the treatment of patients suffering from traumatic brain injury and intracranial bleeding. Topics include relevant clinical data, current treatment options, and personal clinical experience.
Video: Nicholas Brandmeir, MD - Clinical Utility of a Continuously Irrigating Ventricular Catheter
Dr. Brandmeir, a neurosurgeon from WVU Hospital and the WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, presents his early experience utilizing IRRAlfow and demonstrates the positive clinical outcomes seen with his case reviews.
Video: Published Case Review: Continuous Antibiotic Admin. Using IRRAflow for Intracranial Abscess
Intracranial abscesses are rare lesions with an incidence estimated at 1500-2500 cases per year in the United States. Widespread use of neuroimaging has led to rapid diagnosis, decreasing the mortality rate from 40-50% to approximately 20. Treatment options include systemic antibiotic therapy, needle aspiration through a burr hole, and open craniotomy for excision.
Video: Published Case Review: DRIFT for Adult IVH Using IRRAflow Self-Irrigating Catheter
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is a devastating neurosurgical condition associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. It can occur as the result of several pathologies and typically presents with mental status changes, neurologic deficits, seizures, headaches, and decreased Glasgow Coma Scale score. These patients are often treated with placement of an external ventricular drain, which helps decrease the clot burden; however, they commonly clot off leading to multiple exchanges.
Video: Behnam Rezai Jahromi, MD Presents at AANS 2022
Dr. Behnam Rezai Jahromi a neurosurgeon from Helsinki University Hospital presents his clinical experience utilizing IRRAflow to treat IVH and Ventriculitis patients with drug delivery.
Episode 2: Insightful Discussion about Health Care Costs Due to EVD Infections
Neurosurgeon Dr. Kurt Yaeger, from Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, New York, shares insight to being a healthcare worker on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and provides an overview of his recent publication in World Neurosurgery, Patterns of Health Care Costs Due to External Ventricular Drain Infections.
Video: IRRAflow® Wins CONNECT’s ”2019 Most Innovative New Product” Award
IRRAflow was selected as the 2019 winner of CONNECT's Most Innovative New Product award in the medical device category. CONNECT, a premier nonprofit helping entrepreneurs with innovative startups in the technology and life sciences sectors, has been celebrating innovation leaders in the broader San Diego area for the last thirty-two-years.
Episode 4: Therapeutically Treating Ventriculitis
Dr. Behnam Rezai Jahromi is currently a resident at Helsinki University Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, where he joined the world-renown neurosurgery department while attending high school. Dr. Rezai Jahromi has published more than 70 peer-review articles, has written 20 book chapters, and is running several intranational clinical studies regarding cerebrovascular disorders.
Episode 3: Understanding Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)
Neurointensivist Dr. Farrukh Chaudhry, FAAN, FNCS, from Community Health System in Muster, IN, discusses his clinical experience with treating patients suffering from intraventricular hemorrhages (IVH).
Video: Who is IRRAS?
IRRAS is a global medical care company focused on delivering innovative medical solutions to improve the lives of critically ill patients. IRRAS designs, develops, and commercializes neurocritical care products that transform patient outcomes and decrease the overall cost of care by addressing complications associated with current treatment methodologies.
Episode 1: A Novel Approach for Treating Chronic Subdural Hematomas
Dr. Sumeet Vadera, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery at UC Irvine Health, discusses his experience using new technology to treat a patient suffering from a Chronic Subdural Hematoma.